
Well, this is a writing post that I write while I am on the MRT train to my office. Just remember what my client said to me Consistency is the Key. That's what I want to highlight.

Consistency is the key to success in transforming habits.

It takes a month, a year, or some time to form a habit. But consistency is the key to success in transforming it. Without consistency, you will never start; and without commitment, you will never finish.

Motivation is what gets you started—commitment keeps you going—but without both of those things, you'll never make any real progress on your goals.

Continuous improvement is a thing while consistency is more important than perfection.

It takes time to form a habit, but if you're consistent with your goals, the results will come.

But it's not just about starting something. It's about sticking to it for the long haul. If you don't have the commitment to keep building your new habit—to make it part of who you are—you'll never make it happen.

And when it comes to habits, we all know that motivation comes and goes. When you're feeling motivated, you may be ready to start something new—but if you lose momentum or aren't committed to seeing it through, then no amount of motivation will help you succeed.

So how do we ensure that our habits stick around? By creating a plan that includes both motivation and commitment—and by making sure those two things work together at all times so they become one big habit!

If there were any mistakes made along the way, or if there were obstacles that could have been overcome with more planning or foresight, then those are things to consider in determining how best to move forward next time around. But if everything went according to plan and everything went according to schedule, then there's no reason not to press on toward your goals!

Break bad habits, build good habits, and you should be consistent!